In the Aftermath of 9/11

While going through all the detritus that I’ve dragged from house to house (I didn’t have time to sort, but that’s a divorce story), I found a few pages from this Boston Globe from December 28, 2001.

Rudy Giuliani makes an ass of himself (again).

The Mayor Who Spent His Life Preparing His Rictus Grin uses his farewell address to slam Boston, reminding us that although he may have been able to fake leadership for a few short months, he’s still a delusional deviant at heart. mayor gross


The ‘Shoe Bomber’ had recently put himself in the news.

Yup, Richard Reid, the man who failed to blow up a plane yet has still managed to inconvenience billions of travelers–and continues to do so–first appeared around this time. Has 16 years of removing shoes at airport security flown by so fast?


There was this incisive cartoon regarding the Taliban and St. Reagan.

The truth actually a bit more complicated. There is a photo of Reagan with mujahideen in the White House, and it often accompanied by the claim that those men are Taliban. Snopes says this is false, that the Taliban did not exist at the time. While they weren’t Taliban at the time, Afghans who would later fight the US were indeed armed by Reagan. Reagan had no problems giving arms to groups with sketchy histories and could hardly be considered reliable allies. For more on how we often embrace reprobates, you can readIMG_0454

this editorial from the the late, great Molly Ivins with the haunting title How We Could Still Lose in Afghanistan.IMG_0452

 And a page full of ads for knickers. . .from Filene’s! (now located in the Mall of Heaven, right next to Marshall Field’s). IMG_0453

Everything Must Go. Who wants this book?

The Shipping News, by E. Annie Proulx, 1993shipping-news

Best novel I ever read that takes place in Newfoundland. Not a bad read.

Quote: “And it may be that love sometimes occurs without pain or misery.”

I’m still waiting to get back to the author on that one. She lives in the neighboring state, so I suppose I could stop by for tea sometime.

Send me your address, and I’ll send you the book. I’ll trust you to pay me back for the postage. Or you can donate to PAZ.

What I Threw Out Today

A Clear Modem. Worthless. They are offered for pennies on eBay. I found this in an unpacked box, 2 years after I moved into this house.

This is actually a very sad picture. I associate this modem with a very hard time in my life. Good fucking riddance.

What I Threw Out Today: The Organic Chemistry Textbook

The process continues.

I try to think of why I hang on to things.  My mind strains to think under what conditions I would actually need an organic chemistry textbook again. To be totally honest, I’m not sure why I needed to study organic chemistry in the first place. As a requirement for graduate school in chemistry, pharmacology, biochemistry, etc, it makes sense. To be a doctor? Most of us don’t remember anything about organic, except that we had to take it and a lot of people really hated it. ochem.jpg

I didn’t hate organic. I thought it was sort of interesting. I think I kept the book because 1) I thought that I might need it, though who knows for what, and 2) I hated the idea that after spending so much time studying something, it would all just go away. Could I get 5% right on those tests I took all those years ago? Why on earth did I spend all that time and treasure learning something the veterinary school admissions committee must have known I wouldn’t need and that I would almost certainly forget?

Lastly, I wonder whether somewhere this book wouldn’t be of use to somebody somewhere, in a place where there aren’t old textbooks piling up in landfills or being carted off to get recycled?

What I Threw Out Today

The Car Stereo

Car Stereo
Car Stereo
See also What I Threw Out 2 Days Ago

This was the car stereo on my 1997 Dodge Ram 2500. It played cassettes. I listened to a lot of books on tape. You can tell a man of a certain age: he says “books on tape, ” rather than “audiobooks.”

I sold the truck nearly ten years ago. I don’t think that the truck or cassette tapes are coming back. But who knows? Vinyl is back, against all odds.


Packing, Moving, Part 6: Letting Go

thai meds iithai meds iii

Into the garbage they go. Off to the landfill for some future archaeologist.

They are little things I had stuck to the wall. They reminded me of a trip I took, and I thought they were interesting looking as well. I have no idea what the package says.

But I don’t need them. If I remember the trip, I remember it. If I don’t, well, that’s OK , too. There is a story in this, somewhere, but I have too much packing and loading to do. My landlady is greedy and evil, and I must get out of here as fast as I can, lest her contagion wreak its havoc on me.


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